Our Program - Surrogates


Being a surrogate isn’t just life-changing for the Intended Parents’ family, it can also provide amazing benefits for you and your family.
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A surrogate is a woman who carries a baby via IVF for a couple or an individual. Helping Intended Parents fulfill their dreams is a life-changing experience. Accel Conceptions will make sure all surrogate candidates understand the process and obligations involved before making a commitment.

Being a surrogate isn’t just life-changing for the Intended Parents’ family, it can also provide amazing benefits for you and your family. Surrogates are compensated for the time and efforts it takes to help the Intended Parents have a child. 

"Starting this journey has been an amazing feeling to help someone else experience the greatest thing of all: parenthood. I'm so happy that I am able to help somebody. Also being a surrogate will help my own family financially." -First Time Surrogate, Kristi

"I learned about surrogacy from a young age and once I became a mom, I knew I also wanted to help others become parents." -Experienced Surrogate, Natasha 

Process & Timeline - Surrogates

Creating a profile

1. Application & Intake Process
Timeline: 1-4 weeks

Once you have completed an inquiry, our Surrogate Coordinators will contact you to confirm eligibility and next steps. During this time, we will also complete a pre-screening. This pre-screening consists of criminal background check, a cursory review of prenatal and birth records, and final interview process.
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2. Matching
Timeline: 4-8 weeks

We have Intended Parents (IPs) excited to start, and they are waiting to meet you. When we are searching for a match, we will take your individualized preferences and align them with a tentative match. Once we have Intended Parents interested in your profile, we will share their details with you. After both parties mutually choose each other, we will schedule a video call for a meet and greet. Once you are officially matched, you and your Intended Parents can communicate with each other in whatever way you all feel comfortable.
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3. Psychological & Medical Screening
Timeline: 1-2 Months
The psychological screening is to ensure that you understand the commitment and have the emotional preparation to become a surrogate. Once psychological clearance is received, your medical screening referral will be sent for the physical exam and bloodwork to be scheduled. If the IVF clinic is not local to you, travel arrangements will be made on your behalf. During the appointment, you will complete comprehensive testing, including a blood test, STD screening, ultrasound, drug/nicotine use, etc. The IVF doctor will also discuss the medical process with you during this appointment. Once you are medically cleared, we will then move to the legal phase.
Legal contract


4. Legal Contract 
Timeline: 3-4 weeks
After we receive the medical clearance from the IVF clinic, we will coordinate a third-party reproductive attorney to represent you. The Intended Parents have a separate attorney who drafts the contract to avoid any conflict of interest. The contract is between the Intended Parent(s), surrogate, and their partner (if applicable). It will cover the surrogate’s compensation and expenses, life insurance, medical insurance, parental rights, location of delivery, medical decisions during the pregnancy, etc. The two attorneys will manage any requested revisions and negotiations from both parties. After the contract is finalized and signed by all parties, the Intended Parent’s trust account will need to be funded with the predetermined amount to cover all surrogacy expenses.
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5. Monitoring Appointments & Embryo Transfer
Timeline: 3-4 Weeks

Once the IVF clinic receives the legal clearance, you will work with the IVF clinic to confirm an embryo transfer plan. The clinic will give you instructions on how to take the medications and we will also be there to support you. You will have weekly blood work and ultrasound monitoring for about four weeks to make sure your body is responding well to the medications. When the doctor confirms your body is ready, you will go to the IVF clinic for the embryo transfer! (A short trip of 3-4 days is needed if you are not local to the IVF clinic)
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6. Pregnancy and Prebirth Orders/ Parental Judgement 
Your first HCG (pregnancy) test will typically be ten days after the embryo transfer, and hopefully, we will be getting that great news from IVF clinic – YOU’RE PREGNANT! After HCG confirms pregnancy, you will have an ultrasound to confirm heartbeat at about six weeks. Around ten weeks, you will be released to your OBGYN for prenatal care. At 14-16 weeks of pregnancy, the attorneys will initiate the Prebirth Orders/ Judgement which is required for the birth. These documents are presented to the courts to establish your Intended Parents’ parental rights to the child/children. During the nine months of pregnancy, you will be responsible for updating your Intended Parents after each appointment, as well as your Surrogate Coordinator.
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7. Delivery 
Before the delivery, we will help you work on the birth plan. This is an essential document for the delivery hospital so that everyone knows you and your Intended Parent’s wishes during the birth. In most cases, your Intended Parents will arrive in your city a week or two before the due date. You will notify them and us once you go into labor. Finally, the BIG day is here. You will witness your Intended Parents meeting their baby for the first time and you have helped them grow their family. The trust account is closed one year after birth to ensure all medical bills are paid in full.

Compensation - Surrogates


To ensure your health and the safety of the surrogacy pregnancy, there are requirements that you must meet:
• Be between the ages of 21-38

• No major complications during pregnancy and/or delivery

• Have given birth to at least one child and have full custody

• Have no more than 3 deliveries via c-section / 5 births
• Tobacco, drug, and alcohol-free with no criminal history

• Be communicative, responsible, and dependable

• Healthy lifestyle with a stable support system

• US Citizen / Permanent Resident

• Have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 32 


How Much Does a Surrogate Earn?

  • We understand that surrogacy is an emotional and physical journey. At Accel Conceptions, we have one of the most comprehensive benefits packages. Our primary goal is to ensure our surrogates receive the compensation they deserve, and they receive the protection and support they need.
  • In addition to compensation, our Surrogate Benefit Package (SBP) ensures that expenses associated with your surrogacy are covered and payment is taken care of. This could include medical insurance, lost wages, childcare, travel expenses, and other costs related to your surrogacy.

Compensation Breakdown

Experienced Surrogates receive a customized benefit package, please contact us for more information.

Base Compensation

• Pregnancy Compensation

• Contract Signing Fee/ Bonus 

• Embryo Transfer Fee
• Monthly Allowance

• Lost Wages (If Employed) 

• Maternity Clothing

• Health/ Life Insurance

• Monthly Support Group Fee

• Vaginal/ C-section Delivery Fee

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Potential Compensation

• Long Distance Travel (flights, hotels, rental cars, mileage)
• Travel Companion's Lost Wages
• Cancelled Cycle / Mock Cycle
• Physician Ordered Bed Rest/ Childcare Allowance

• Twin/ Multiples Pregnancy Compensation

And Other Benefits

• Annual Surrogate Retreats
• Housekeeping Allowance
• Invasive Procedure Fee
• Pumping Compensation

• Wellness/ Self-Care Allowance 


We love referrals, we offer a refer a friend program. You will receive a generous referral fee, once your friend is accepted to our program and medically cleared. 

Inquiry Form