Compensation Fee - Surrogates

It takes a special kind of selflessness and commitment to be a Surrogate. In addition to providing generous compensation, we are committed to ensure that your financial needs are covered every step of the way.


How Much Does a Surrogate Earn?

  • We understand that Surrogacy is an emotional and physical journey. At Accel Conceptions, we have one of the most comprehensive benefits packages. Our primary goal is to ensure our Surrogate receive the compensation they deserve and their families receive the protection and support they need.
  • In addition to compensation, our Surrogacy agreement ensures that expenses associated with your Surrogacy are covered and payment is taken care of on your behalf,  including medical insurance, lost wages, childcare, travel expenses, and other costs related to your Surrogacy.

Compensation Breakdown

Experienced Surrogates receive a customized benefit package, please contact us for more information.

Base Compensation

• Embryo Transfer Fee
• Monthly Allowance
• Travel Expenses/Childcare/Lost Wages
• Maternity Clothing
• Life Insurance and Healthy Insurance

Potential Compensation

• Childcare
• Long Distance Travel
• Travel Companion's lost Wages
• Cancelled Cycle / Mock Cycle
• Physician Ordered Bed Rest

And Other Benefits

• Multiple Pregnancy
• Housekeeping Allowance
• C-section Delivery Fee
• Invasive Procedure
• Pumping Compensation